Piedmont Photo Club
2023 Contest Year Winning Images

The Piedmont Photography Club is an active, growing organization with approximately 60 members currently participating. Feel free to browse our website or come to our next meeting to see what we are all about. We meet once a month to learn more about photography, listen to presentations, critique each other’s images, and discover new ways to make photographs. We usually meet on the second Tuesday of the month at New Philadelphia Moravian Church, on Country Club Drive n Winston-Salem. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm, but most members show up at 6:45 to chat casually before the meeting and to enter their photos in contests.
Educational activities and presentations for both the beginning and advanced photographer.
Competitions held quarterly to share digital projected images, black & white and color prints.
Friendships based on common interests in photography.
A chance to show off your work on the club’s website and in the friendly company of like-minded photographers.
We also have a scheduled field trip during the month as indicated in the calendar.